Assessment in Lower Body Strength (Bi-Lateral Comparison of the Lower Extremities)
ACCUPOWER provides a quick and accurate way to functionally test lower extremity power output. By measuring the force an individual exerts on a custom-built 3D force platform, the Accupower allows clinicians to accurately assess lower extremity patients and athletes during functional movements. More importantly it is specific to a variety of sports.
Dynamic testing of explosive sport movements is critical to knowing how the extremity will react in game situations. Bi-lateral comparisons of power curve variables provide unequaled insight into the functional capabilities of each limb. This detailed objective information helps to shape the conditioning or reconditioning program. AccuPower results are used to help determined an injured athletes readiness to return to sports. It is also important when analyzing a healthy athlete’s potential chance of injury due to limb asymmetries in strength, power or fatigue deficits.
Returning from an injury or looking to improve performance, the AccuPower delivers invaluable objective information that allows for specific tailoring of the athletes program to the deficits revealed.
ACCUPOWER used in conjunction with the DARTFISH™ system allows us to perform an indepth video analysis of an athletes movement. We can use a drop down test to help determine an athletes jumping and landing mechanics. Improper jumping or landing mechanics have been shown to predispose athletes to knee injuries as it places undue stress on the knee ligaments when the knee goes into a valgus angle (knees collapsing inward). Females are 4 to 6 times more likely to tear their anterior cruciate ligament than males. Over 70% of all ACL tears are non-contact injuries meaning the athlete injured it either when they planted to jump or landing from a jump. Poor jumping mechanics will also adversely affect maximal vertical jump height through inefficient power production.